A Place for patch demos and machine development news.
So building a master (although tags help) does leave it open for git clone <repo>
not used tags before. VCV central do provide a cross-platform compile (Win/Lin/Mac) on a commit SHA so that’s good.
I’d go fortnightly on the “CI build of plugin” (the library site one) thread as the person likely has many “stability and as described” issues. Automation of a code “throw” to many potential “executors” without some forethought isn’t a good idea.
Keep ALL non instrument code such as example patches and large build for mates binaries OFF the main plugin repository.
You maybe code blind to how you see your module, but yes, I’ve miss-labelled IO before.
Try not to push code on an empty stomach. At least wait while you’re saited before a “dial commit” to “downstream”, and yes there should be an unlocking locking mechanism and a “side fart” on the discussion mailer, but this is not of Git today, so …
Save As ...
the graphics. Add a components
layer. do 5.08 * HP
and set dimensions in sudo apt got inkscape
.../../yes <X>
script that does not exist but createmodule
might.//geometry edit
#define HP 5
#define LANES 2
#define RUNGS 7
#define HP_UNIT 5.08
#define WIDTH (HP*HP_UNIT)
#define X_SPLIT (WIDTH / 2.f / LANES)
#define HEIGHT 128.5
#define Y_MARGIN 0.05f
#define R_HEIGHT (HEIGHT*(1-2*Y_MARGIN))
#define Y_SPLIT (R_HEIGHT / 2.f / RUNGS)
//placement macro
#define loc(x,y) mm2px(Vec(X_SPLIT*(1+2*(x-1)), (HEIGHT*Y_MARGIN)+Y_SPLIT*(1+2*(y-1))))
layer.int maxPoly() {
int poly = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_INPUTS; i++) {
int chan = inputs[i].getChannels();
if(chan > poly) poly = chan;
for(int o = 0; o < NUM_OUTPUTS; o++) {
return poly;
float fs = args.sampleRate;
int maxPort = maxPoly();
float spd = params[SPD].getValue();
#pragma GCC ivdep
for(int p = 0; p < maxPort; p++) {
float ispd = inputs[ISPD].getPolyVoltage(p);
// OUT
outputs[OUT].setVoltage(ispd, p);
configParam(LAM, -36.f, 0.f, 36.f, "Halflife", " dBs");
addInput(createInputCentered<PJ301MPort>(loc(2, 6), module, W::I11));
addOutput(createOutputCentered<PJ301MPort>(loc(1, 7), module, W::PLUS));
.dsp::SchmittTrigger sRst;
bool trigRst = sRst.process(rescale(rst, 0.1f, 2.f, 0.f, 1.f));
//more ...
pointer (for handles, with that C nakedness Java doesn’t have). New ISO
way as it states. I think it’s a C++/Python convergence conspiracy. The SDK does make it a bit like sophisticated Arduino.